Our Advanced Environment Protection Techniques Spill Training course has been embedded into the HazMat Advisor Course at the Fire Service College, Moreton-in-Marsh.
The HazMat Advisor Courses train specialist officers within the Fire Service to deal with incidents where hazardous materials are involved. Often these incidents pose serious risk to the environment and so the College has recognised the need to include an Environment Protection Module in its training of these officers.
Ed Sullivan of the Fire Service College and Stewart Ower of Compass Environmental
Our Managing Director, Stewart Ower, has been welcomed as an Associate Tutor at the College and will deliver the one day Environment Protection Module which incorporates both classroom and practical exercises on the fire ground, a world class training facility which permits the creation of very realistic incident scenarios.
Stewart commented, “It is a tremendous honour that our UKSpill approved training course has been recognised by the Fire Service College as being of a standard suitable for the inclusion in their training of these specialist officers. As first responders to many spillage incidents, the Fire Service has a vital role to play in protecting the environment from damage. Our training will enable officers to identify environmental risk and take appropriate, proportionate and effective action to mitigate pollution of the environment.”
Fire Service College Course Director, Ed Sullivan, said “We welcome Stewart’s expertise in this area and are actively exploring opportunities to include this environment protection input into other Fire Service College courses.”
In addition, Compass and the Fire Service College will be marketing our Advanced Environment Protection Techniques Spill Training course commercially so that delegates from wider industry can benefit from this unique training opportunity.